Friday, March 21, 2008

Wil Wheaton on Barack Obama

my con sars. let me show you it.: "Thing the second: Barack Obama's speech 'A More Perfect Union' yesterday is one of the most inspiring and wonderful political speeches I've ever heard. He wrote it himself, too. Not a consultant, not a speech writer. He did it. That's phenomenal. He talked to us like we were grown-ups, and addressed something Americans have needed to deal with for decades. It brought tears to my eyes, inspired me, and reaffirmed why I'm so proud to support him."

(Via WIL WHEATON dot NET: Where is my mind?.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wil Wheaton is a super human being! I think his testimony is sincere and interesting. Wil Wheaton is someone I would love to vote for in an election because he has heart. When it comes to electing presidential candidate, you have to go to the issues and the candidates position on many things. Frankly, the U.S.A. is not a world on its own. The senator's foreign policy seems oblivious to the fact that militant countries in this hemisphere are becoming overwhelmingly powerful and menacing. We can either choose to stay strong and not compromise our freedom or join them. Peace is nice, but out of fear? That's called cowardness.