Monday, February 23, 2009

OK, I made one of these

Finally got one of these made.

Mine looked like this: Rainbow cake

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Not all news has to be bad news

OK, so I saw this story today, and it helped me remember that not all news has to be bad news. It also reminded me of this one from last spring. Hopefully they'll bring a smile to your day.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Movie Trilogy Trends

OK, I think I gotta agree with this: The Trilogy Meter

Update: Oh, and a nice update using the IMDB star ratings to chart the films.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Bailout Part 2

More miscellaneous thoughts about the economic 'crisis.'

Don't bail out businesses. Use the money to shore up unemployment and small business loans. I guarantee that if the unemployment pool is big enough, plenty of entrepreneurs will rise from the ashes.

Bailout Part 1

Miscellaneous thoughts about the economic 'crisis.'

Don't bail out homeowners being foreclosed. Instead shore up Section 8 housing. Let the banks foreclose and try to do something with the properties. In many cases, I expect the local housing markets to drop enough that many of the foreclosed could re-enter the market, albeit at a lower level. Let the market do its thing, and let people fail. Otherwise, they will never learn.

A Twitter Decision

People have trouble when they first hear about Twitter. They can't get a handle on what it is. It's whatever you want it to be. Your usage patter will probably match mine. Heck, my usage pattern this week probably won't match mine next week. Not only is Twitter evolving, but it evolves at different times for different users. I think Rands has a really good handle on the important points of Twitter here.

Every couple of weeks, a meme stressing about 'an increase in Twitter spam' wanders the Internet. Each time I see this meme appear, I turn away from my keyboard and bang my head against my desk three times.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

The Recession is a Painful Cure

The American economy does have serious problems, but the recession is the fix for those problems, not the cause.
I've always liked the way Aaron thinks.

(Via possible/probable.)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Noodlings » The Invisible Interface: Stealing Prefs

The Invisible Interface: Stealing Prefs

In this installment of The Invisible Interface, we are going to look at stealing preferences. What is stealing preferences? Simply enough, it’s using the preferences of some other app instead of having your own for a particular feature. The point of this is to avoid having to provide a separate interface for settings when the user has already made their choices known somewhere else.
I have to say that I consider this not only brilliant, but the Right Way ™ to do it.