Friday, January 25, 2008
How It All Ends
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Podcast Evolution
I've added a account for the podcast: You can use the for:secondfloorlounge tag in to send me links to new music.
For now, I'm still sticking to the Podsafe Music Network (PMN) as the only source of music played on the show. I'm considering broadening the field, and am open to suggestions from anyone listening.
I've got voice mail for the show at (206) 202-3308, e-mail and web site always linked in the show notes, and now
Immigration Part 2
There was a bit I heard on NPR today (OK, it was on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me) where a resident of the southwestern US responded to a question about the issue of illegal immigrants. His position was that the first priority is to secure the borders before dealing with the illegals currently in the country. His phrasing was that we "need to stop the bleeding" before we can address other issues.
My take is almost the opposite of his. To continue his wound analogy, I think we need to first remove the foreign matter before suturing the wound. I don't think we can practically secure the border when the perception is that once you make it across, you're home free. I think it will be much easier to stem the tide when the prospects for illegals is not as rosy.
I do want to emphasize again that I am not against immigrants in any way. Only illegal immigrants. I am perfectly happy with as many immigrants coming in as we feel we can handle. I just want them to come in through the proper channels.